Thursday, April 22, 2010


Like the ice-capades. Get it? Yeah me either.

So I have been a little MIA recently due to a little something I like to call my effing senior thesis. My presentation is over! Now I just have to finish my paper. Don't even bother asking what it's about because it is b-o-r-i-n-g.

I am currently sitting in my living room staring at my 6 darling goldfish playing tag, which is amazing because just yesterday we couldn't see any of them due to the color of the water! More on that in a minute. They are so precious. A few months ago we had 10 darling goldfish. We had to keep them in a candy jar for a whole week before we got a tank. A candy jar is a pretty tight space for 10 fish, and sadly 2 didn't make it. So we were down to 8 fish. A few weeks later 2 suddenly disappeared. It turns out that Chelsea tried to change some of the water, and she may have accidentally dumped them out in the front yard (exhibit B of why she's the dumb one! Refer to previous post for exhibit A) So now we just have our little family of 6 fish. I could talk about them all day. How they get so excited when they know you're about to feed them. How they try to lay on your hand when you put it in the water. How they do back flips and fin stands to show off in front of new people. They are just the greatest pets anyone could ever ask for. We named them after characters of the Jersey Shore and we can tell them all apart. Now I know how parents feel when all they want to do is brag about their children. Are you bored of fish talk yet? These pictures may help.

So we had a fish mystery a few weeks ago. We had just changed half of the water because it was getting cloudy. We went home for spring break for like..2 days, came back, and the water was brown!! We had gone months without cleaning it and it never looked like that. It was truly a mystery. So brown turned to green, which turned to neon green, which was pretty cool because we told people we dyed it for St. Patty's Day, then it turned this disgusting green and we knew it was time to change it. So we did it last night with the help of dear Kathleen. She was promised a Glee episode (which was awesome) and Ben and Jerry's (also awesome)...but instead she got this.
Notice we had to use a ladle and a spaghetti spoon to scoop out the fish! We need to invest in a net

It was so fun trying to catch the fish with the ladle! I suggest everyone try it at least once in their lifetime. It was like one of those really stupid, addicting games online except it was in real life!

Ahh blogger won't let me add any more pictures right now...I'm angry. I'll have to show you the final product later because it looks soo much better! It was hilar trying to get the fish out. We made sure to wash the ladles realllly well. We don't want anybody's soup tasting like fish crap.




it was ridiculous and wonderful!!


hahahaha sick. this made me laugh a lot. you guys might actually be a little funny!


the water looks like gatorade. i don't think fish can survive in gatorade.


yuck. I would never drink a gatorade that color.

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