Thursday, April 22, 2010


Like the ice-capades. Get it? Yeah me either.

So I have been a little MIA recently due to a little something I like to call my effing senior thesis. My presentation is over! Now I just have to finish my paper. Don't even bother asking what it's about because it is b-o-r-i-n-g.

I am currently sitting in my living room staring at my 6 darling goldfish playing tag, which is amazing because just yesterday we couldn't see any of them due to the color of the water! More on that in a minute. They are so precious. A few months ago we had 10 darling goldfish. We had to keep them in a candy jar for a whole week before we got a tank. A candy jar is a pretty tight space for 10 fish, and sadly 2 didn't make it. So we were down to 8 fish. A few weeks later 2 suddenly disappeared. It turns out that Chelsea tried to change some of the water, and she may have accidentally dumped them out in the front yard (exhibit B of why she's the dumb one! Refer to previous post for exhibit A) So now we just have our little family of 6 fish. I could talk about them all day. How they get so excited when they know you're about to feed them. How they try to lay on your hand when you put it in the water. How they do back flips and fin stands to show off in front of new people. They are just the greatest pets anyone could ever ask for. We named them after characters of the Jersey Shore and we can tell them all apart. Now I know how parents feel when all they want to do is brag about their children. Are you bored of fish talk yet? These pictures may help.

So we had a fish mystery a few weeks ago. We had just changed half of the water because it was getting cloudy. We went home for spring break for like..2 days, came back, and the water was brown!! We had gone months without cleaning it and it never looked like that. It was truly a mystery. So brown turned to green, which turned to neon green, which was pretty cool because we told people we dyed it for St. Patty's Day, then it turned this disgusting green and we knew it was time to change it. So we did it last night with the help of dear Kathleen. She was promised a Glee episode (which was awesome) and Ben and Jerry's (also awesome)...but instead she got this.
Notice we had to use a ladle and a spaghetti spoon to scoop out the fish! We need to invest in a net

It was so fun trying to catch the fish with the ladle! I suggest everyone try it at least once in their lifetime. It was like one of those really stupid, addicting games online except it was in real life!

Ahh blogger won't let me add any more pictures right now...I'm angry. I'll have to show you the final product later because it looks soo much better! It was hilar trying to get the fish out. We made sure to wash the ladles realllly well. We don't want anybody's soup tasting like fish crap.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Biggie. in THE Biggie Smalls. Like RIP-Biggie-on-baggie-T-shirts-because-he's-awesome Biggie. Anyways, today one of my students was singing at his desk. I walked by and heard him say "Biggie Biggie Biggie." So obviously I said, "Can't you see, sometimes your words just hypnotize me." His jaw dropped to the floor and he said something like "Miss, How you know that song?" And I'm all like "Duhhh I know that song, I'm older than you! How do YOU know that song?" Then I said "Get to work." Ha. I love my school.

What third grader knows the lyrics of a Biggie Smalls song? Don't they listen to like, Jo Bros and J.Bieb? 


RIP Christopher George Latore Wallace AKA Biggie Smalls AKA Biggie AKA Frank White AKA Notroious B.I.G.

Your memory lives on in Room 302, Grade 3. You are greatly missed. 


Monday, April 19, 2010

Bridal Shower Fun

Last-last weekend I had my bridal shower! It was thrown by my mom, future mother-in-law, and bridesmaids. It was beautiful and fun and delicious and I wish I was still there eating the chocolate covered pretzel sticks my sister made! Nate and I got some much needed apartment stuff which is great because between the two of us I think we owned a blender and a frying pan. Awesome. 
We move into our apartment in less than 2 weeks so now I'm SUPER excited because we actually have things to put in it! Nate and I are deciding on paint colors for our new casa and for some reason I'm stuck on gray for the bedroom. Is that cute or just boring? We have black furniture and a lime green bed spread (can you guess who picked the bedspread?? HINT: Nate is color blind and can only differentiate between bright colors).  

Outside of planning my wedding and going out for drinks basically every day, I actually have to do things. Ugh. Like go to school every day. I'm currently student teaching in Philadelphia in the 3rd grade. I have less than 2 weeks left in the program and its making me sad (everything makes me sad nowadays) because I'm really going to miss it! The kids are seriously the best. For example: Today, we were working on vocab words. One of the students was asked to use the word memory in a sentence. This was their response: "A memory is a cake." Umm what? Sometimes all you can do is laugh. 

Want to know something that makes me cry? I'll tell you. It's the Temple Nurses strike. Seriously, every day. I drive past them and I see them all out there, holding their signs, working as a team, and it makes me cry. I love teamwork; it gets me every time. Stick it to the man Temple Nurses! 

Do you ever catch yourself crying at something absolutely ridiculous??


p.s. Rachaelious is currently writing her senior thesis so she may be a little MIA for the next few days. I'm ready for this stupid thesis to be over because I get really boredy when she is in the library. For example, right now.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bahama Breeze

Rachael, her boyfriend/DD Austin, his friend Ben, our good friend Kathleen, and myself went out for delicious drinks at Bahama Breeze tonight. We have only three more weeks left of our senior year of collegio so I'm getty pretttty nostalgic. I'm trying to do as many fun things as possible before school ends for-ev-er. If you ever go to Bahama Breeze, I recommend getting a Mythical Island
 or Caribbean Magic. The Mythical Island is a glass full of orange sherberty goodness. The Caribbean Magic has amaretto, sweet and sour, rum, vodka, and some other tasty treats. Muy bueno. While we were there we saw a friend from school who was eating dinner with her family. Her parents prob thought we were alchoholics considering what our table looked like... But we're not. So no worries.

UPDATE: 47 days until I'm no longer single! 12 days until my future husband moves into our new apartment! I'll post pictures once we paint! Speaking of painting...anyone from school interested in helping us paint? I'll buy you pizzzza!

Anyone else getting nostalgic about school/anything else coming to a close?


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Get to know doesn't get much better than this

1. First and most importantly, Chelsea is getting married on June 5th! Ahh! Sadly, we will no longer be roommates after that...which is actually ok with me because I really don't want to hear her and nate doing it allll night longgg.

2. Chelsea's car broke down on 76, philly's busiest/most dangerous highway a couple days ago. Wanna know why? She ran out of oil. Want to know how she knew? Her oil light was on for a few weeks. Now we know who the dumb one is out of the 2 of us!

3. She HATES being left out, bugs, sharks, and small talk

4. Her favorite color is PURPLE, which works out great for me because she has a lot of purple clothing, and that happens to be my fav color also!

5. She's the cheerleading captain of our school! And she used to be a crazy gymnast. She was 1st in the state on the balance beam. I was star struck when I met her freshman year.

6. Chels has a brother and a sister, and a brand new baby niece, Julia. She's so precious

7. She is currently student teaching in the ghetto of Philly. Everyday she comes home with crazy stories about the corner stores and how people keep ponies in their back yard

8. She loves to wear dresses and her favorite place to shop is bloomingdales

9. She lovess Kanye West. Even though he's a d-bag. She went to his concert last summer. And I bought her a Kanye shirt for Christmas freshman year. She still sleeps in it every night.

10. Chelsea puts the letter "y" on the end of most things. Like the word "weird." She says "weirdy" and now has everyone else saying it too. It's so addicting and slightly embarrassing when you're talking to someone important and it accidentally slips out. (that's what she said)

I feel like I made this supposed-to-be-about-Chelsea-post a lot about me. Whoops.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Ten Things I Hate About Rachael

I kid. I love Rach! Duhhh.

Since you have no idea how awesome we are, we figured we should probably introduce ourselves. So here's a list of all the important things you need to know about my roommate Rachael (she's on the left in the picture).

1. Rachael is an oxymoron. She is the most easy going person I know. She is the pickiest person I know. Anyone else notice this??
2. Rachael’s apartment style (she looks nice in public) is fancy on top and casual on the bottom. She wears dress shirts with sweats. Its ridic.
3. She can’t wear pants to bed!! hahaha what a weirdy!
4. She’s the proud mother of 6 goldfish (used to be 10, but 4 have passed away/got caught in the filter/I accidently threw 2 out).
5. Rachael has an internship in Center City Philly! Very grown up
6. Rachael’s favorite drink is basically anything. Seriously.
7. She studied abroad in Espana!
8. She has three awesome sisters...who will probably be our most loyal blog friends, so thanks in advance.
9. Yesterday she decided she was going to become a vegetarian and then she accidentally ate chicken. Oops.
10. She’s a bridesmaid in my wedding!

Now that you know Rachael, she can be your best friend too!


Hello World

Hello to our millions of readers! This blog has been a long time in the making (2 days). Who are we you ask? We, Rachael and Chelsea, are 21 year old college roommates that live in the Philly Suburbs. We named our blog after the show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," which is awesome, except Rachael sorta hates the show so it'll prob change.

The point of this blog is TBD...we just thought everyone would really want to know what we're doing all the time, which is probably true. We wanted to document our lives because there are so many things that get overlooked that deserve recognition. For instance, today we ran to happy hour. Yes, we RAN. Like exercised, jogged, huffed and puffed. If you think about it, it was an awesome decision on our part. Not only did we decrease our carbon footprint by running instead of driving, we also increased our cardiovascular endurance which decreases our chance of stroke, heart attack, and obesity (yes, I am taking a nutrition class, thanks for asking), AND we kept ourselves and others safe by not driving after having some drinky drinks. It was a win-win situation for everyone!

Anyway, where was I? OH we may not know exactly what this blog will be about, but we DO know that we're planning on posting pictures of all the weird people at our college...HILAR. 

Check back soon for posts where we introduce each other to the world wide web!

-Rachael and Chelsea