Hello bloggy friends! Since the last time Rach and posted (approximately forever ago), we we're roommates living at college. Since then, Rachael and roommate Allison (who is currently en route to CHINA!!!) have become college graduates. I did that a few months ago, but no one really knows that since I started my masters degree and didn't leave school until two weeks ago. So basically I just graduated.
We moved out of our cutey little apartment and now we're done. That's it. College no more. I had no idea it would feel as weird as it does.
Is anyone else ready to UNgraduate? Because I seriously am. Job hunting succccks, and I've only been doing it for like 2 weeks. Maybe if there we're actual jobs to apply to, it wouldn't be so horrible. Stupid dumb economy, you can suck it! Is anyone else having as much trouble job hunting as I am?!
In other news...I'm getting married in oh...16 days!?! Am I ready...maybe. Does that matter? No. I kid, I kid. But honestly though, I wonder what was going through my mind when we picked June 5 for our wedding date. Maybe it was something like this, "I think it would be a really great idea to put every possible life change into about a 30 day time frame. That way we (meaning really just me) can be as overwhelmed as possible. Maybe I can leave the life I've known for four years, move out of my childhood home, change my last name, find a full time job, learn how to pay rent, and be a wife...all at the same time." Oh dear.
But for real life, I can't wait to be married and know that despite all of this craziness, this is going to be the best time of my life thus far!
In other news...
Nate moved into our apartment and it looks glorious! And yes, we did go with gray in the bedroom. And yes, it was obvi. an awesome choice.
You're probably completely jealous of my kitchen as well, which is understandable. Because it's perfect.
Nate turned 21! Finally. My brother said that it took Nate longer than anyone else he knew to turn 21. I agree, that took for-ev-er.
As you can see, Nate is now an alcoholic.
Annnnd two of my bridesmaids/roommates/friends threw me a scanty panty party! So cute and I love them mucho for putting all that work into such a cute party!
So basically my life has been crazy and probably will be for the next month. What have you been up to since you graduated?